Wednesday 18 April 2007

Wee Review of Month

Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy is a book that you dream about reading but rarely get the chance to. It is a mix of fantasy, horror, violence and comedy; just enough to make it seem real. The main Character is twelve-year-old Stephanie, who turns out to be more than the great Skulduggery bargained for. Stephanie forces him to take her on his adventures, and over time she gets to know him as an ace detective, mighty mage and master of dirty tricks and burglary (in the name of the greater good, of course).

Oh yes. I forgot to mention that Skulduggery Pleasant is a living Skeleton!

Scott Holland, S3
Do you have a short review you would like to share? If so either bring it to me in the LRC or post via the comments link.

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