Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Kid's Lit Fun

A fun day was had by all at the West of Scotland heat of the Kid's Lit Quiz held yesterday at Kilsyth Academy near Glasgow. Korin, Roy, Brenna and Nicola did exceptionally well to take 6th place, a 7 place improvement on last year (but who's counting!!).

All the teams did very well and in the end there was not much between them. Bannerman High in Glasgow were the winners and they will go to the UK final in Newcastle next Monday. Congratulations!!

To find out more check out Wayne Mills' blog at Wayne is the Quizmaster and organiser.

Thank you to Wayne Mills and to all at Kilsyth Academy for making our day so much fun.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

The Reading Club speak...

...about their meeting with Catherine MacPhail.

I really enjoyed my visit to meet Catherine MacPhail. I loved the fact that she made up stories on the spot and used our names in them. Some of the stories were very funny and some were quite spooky.
Caitlin, S1

Catherine MacPhail was excellent! She told us all about how she makes her stories and what inspired her to write them. She answered all our questions about her books and made up stories on the spot! She really was brilliant.
Eilidh, S1

She told us stories from her books and some she made up after taking names and words from the audience. She gave us a little advice about how to write our own stories. I really enjoyed meeting Catherine MacPhail last wednesday.
Carrie, S1
For more info about Catherine check out her website and why not borrow one of books from the LRC. The Nemesis series is very popular at the moment and I can highly recommend Worse Than Boys and Catch Us If You Can.

Friday, 9 November 2007

Catherine Macphail

On Wednesday the Reading Club popped along the road to the local library to meet Catherine Macphail. We thorougly enjoyed hearing all about how she comes to write her stories and where she gets her ideas from. But I am not going to say anymore about the visit as the Reading Club will be sharing their views here next week.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

New Books!!

Have you discovered all the new and exciting resources in the LRC yet?
Loads and loads of new books and DVDs have been added to the collection since the summer. You can check out the lists on the Useful Links Wiki (on the right of this page), just click on Library Resource Centre once your on the website.

But if that's too much like hard work, simply scroll to the bottom of this page and you can see what new Junior Fiction is now available in the LRC.

New Junior Fiction in the LRC